Transitioning from Smart to Active Workpapers

Article Objective: To assist users in answering frequently asked questions (FAQs).  


Getting Started

When do you recommend transitioning from Smart Workpapers to Active Workpapers?

As soon as possible, Smart Workpapers will no longer be supported after 31 December 2025. 

Can I trial Active Workpapers?

Yes, we offer a two-week free trial. Please contact the sales team at if you are interested in exploring Active Workpapers further.  

Do I need a Microsoft 365 account to run Active?

Yes, Microsoft 365 subscription: Business Standard or Premium is required. Note: You must use the same email address to sign in to both Microsoft Office and the Active Platform. If the emails don't match, you won't be able to open the workpapers in Excel. 

Can Active Workpapers support Windows or MAC and remote environments?

Yes, please refer to our system requirements here to ensure you can run Active.

When can we set up our practice management connection?

Once you are subscribed to Active. If you are running Xero Practice Manager or MYOB (GreatSoft) Practice Manager, then you can self-manage and set up these connections. If you are running MYOB AE or Access APS (XPA/APS) our team will be in touch with you to organise your set-up of these connections. 

Our firm uses an offshore team, is that an issue?

No, please ensure that your offshore team has the right system requirements to run Active. Active system requirements can be found here

My Microsoft email address is different to my business email address, what do I do?

We recommend updating your Microsoft email to match your business email, your IT team or Microsoft account holder should be able to make these changes. Your Microsoft email should not have .onmicrosoft in the email address

Smart Workpapers Retirement

How long will I have access to our Smart Workpapers Account?

One month from the time of signing the order form. This should allow enough time for you to finish any outstanding work and for your team to transition to Active Workpapers. You can request an extension by contacting

Can I still access our old Smart Workpapers?

Yes, all your previously downloaded workpapers will be accessible as read only files. We recommend removing the Com Add-in and keeping the Excel Add-in to keep all your formulas intact.

Is there a migration service to move all of our Smart Workpapers into Active?

No, we recommend uploading each Smart Workpapers as required, or on a job-by-job basis. 

Will Smart Workpapers roll over into Active Workpapers?

There aren't any worksheets that won't roll from Smart Workpapers to Active Workpapers per se. We have updated some sheets that won't roll from the older version to the new, but this is the case whether rolling over from Smart to Smart, or Smart to Active, or Active to Active.

Active Workpapers

What are the main feature differences between Smart & Active Workpapers?

Access our comparison table here.

Is there a demo video we can watch?

Access the recording here.

Are there any worksheet templates that are different from Smart to Active Workpapers?

There aren't any differences, apart from the functionality. The worksheets themselves are the same, but the data will prefill a lot more in Active. There are also a few more worksheets in Active that don't exist in Smart Workpapers. Also, our new ITR prefill and updated individual worksheets will only exist in Active Workpapers.

What Smart Workpaper checklists aren’t included in Active Workpapers?

All Smart Workpaper checklists will be added to Active Workpapers. This process will be completed by end of October 2024 release.

Can I still use our own firms created workpapers/worksheets?

Yes, you can still insert your own firm-created workpapers. 

Can we customise the Active Workpapers?

Yes, you can customise our workpapers to suit your needs. There are limitations on which workpapers can be customised due to in-built data automation – for example, J50 BAS Workpaper can’t be changed due to the integration with the ATO.  

Implementation & Training

What is the implementation and training process?

Each firm's implementation & training process will slightly differ depending on firm size, practice tools and preferences. Standard implementation & training is done within 30 days. Our standard training service is done online, for your full team and will cover best practices on how to use Active Workpapers.


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